A Not-So-Neutral Review of Star Wars: The Last Jedi


A long time ago, in a movie theater not so far away… an awkward eighteen year old girl, donning a shirt printed with schematics for R2D2, sat down and immersed herself into the world of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. The awkward girl was me, Cierra Lutz, and at this point I will refrain from referring to myself in third person.
It is important to mention (if you didn’t read the title) that this article will appear extremely biased; however, I cannot possibly remain neutral on such an important topic.
The Last Jedi received mixed reviews from passionate fans, boasting a 91% Rotten Tomato score overall. The opinions of moviegoers were split, but there is one thing all fans can agree on: the movie was certainly different. After regenerating one of the most distinguished sci-fi trilogies in the world, The Force Awakens received criticism by many for mirroring the plot of A New Hope, the original Star Wars movie.
The most controversial part of The Last Jedi involved Luke Skywalker’s character development. Many viewed his portrayal as “out of line,” and actor Mark Hamill openly voiced his disapproval of Skywalker’s direction. However, the more I’ve considered his actions in the newest movie, the more fitting it seems. Luke had always been a late bloomer: at 19, Padme Amidala served as queen of Naboo; Anakin, a war general; Leia worked as a senator in the imperial senate, as well a spy for the rebellion. At 19, an age at which his family members made their mark on the galaxy, Luke simply worked on his uncle’s farm in a distant system. My point is, Luke took time to mature. His stubborn refusal at the beginning of the movie certainly fits his personality.
I view Rian Johnson’s movie as a refreshing installment to the franchise for many reasons. The Last Jedi boasts one of the greatest lightsaber scenes in the saga’s history, rare jedi abilities, and the return of Star Wars’ most iconic characters. If you haven’t seen this movie yet, I highly recommend doing so.