Mohawk’s production of Mary Poppins
In mid-March, Mohawk High school put on a production of Mary Poppins. When Jane (Mya Ponziani, 9th) and Micheal (Alex Chapman, 8th), the children of a wealthy and stressed out Banks family, are faced with the annoyance of a new nanny, they are pleasantly surprised by the arrival of the magical Mary Poppins (Belita Rubante, 12th). Going on a series of fantastic adventures with Mary and her jack of all trades friend, Bert (Donovan Rubante, 11th), the children try to pass some of the magic to their stressed parents Winifred (Ashley Rafacz, 11th) and George (samiel Lewis, 11th) Banks. But when Mary unexpectedly leaves, the children are faced with the wicked nanny Miss Andrew (Cierra Murphy, 12th).
Directed by Mr. Justin Addicott, the cast put on a spectacular performance of the Disney classic. With colorful, upbeat dance numbers and tear-jerking songs, Mary Poppins was an unforgettable show. This performance showcased the many talented students Mohawk has to offer. If you were one of the lucky ones who got to see the stunning show, I would recommend going to see Little Women, May 24th and 25th, performed by more talented Mohawk students.