Senior Class Information

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Graduation caps with motion blur.

As the school year comes to a close, graduation is quickly approaching and the seniors are headed out the door. Like every graduating class before them, the seniors have class colors, a motto, and songs. Mohawk’s Class of 2022 decided on the class colors of lilac and sage. Their class motto is “Together we have experienced life. Separately, we will pursue our dreams. Forever our memories will remain.” The student body chose the songs “Forever Young” by Jay-Z and “Time of Our Lives” by Pitbull as their class songs. This year’s Valedictorian is Jordan Radzyminski. We had Co-Salutatorians this year because two students tied. They are Mattison Chmelewski and Hayden Tucker. The Senior Awards Assembly will take place on May 31st in the high school auditorium, recognizing all of the students achievements. Commencement will be on June 3rd at the Scottish Rite Cathedral. Our seniors have expressed how excited they are to graduate and experience the next chapter of their lives.