Peer Leaders
On March 4th the Mohawk Peer Leaders read books to kindergarten through fifth grade students at Mohawk Elementary School. Mrs. Shimrack and Mrs. Caughey coordinated with elementary teachers to assign interested Peer Leaders elementary rooms to read in. Kiara Julian, a sophomore who was a part of this day, said “placeholder” A.J Verdi added to that saying “It was a very cool experience for me. I felt that us going down and reading to the kids is definitely something they will remember .”
Peer Leader reading was one of the last events that took place during “Read Across America” week, the purpose of which is to make children excited about books. The theme was Dr. Suess week so each Peer Leader paired up with a classroom and read a Dr. Suess book. When teachers read to their classes or students read on their own it could become boring or stale. However, when a new face or a person these kids look up to reads to them, their interest rises.
“In speaking with the elementary teachers and staff, the students enjoyed the high school peer leaders reading to them”-Mrs. Caughey