Safety and Mohawk

Here at Mohawk, our faculty are taking school wide safety at a very high priority. As a matter of fact, the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency recently gave Mohawk School District a grant of over $142,000 to help insure safety. That grant money is going towards school police and proactive mental health within the district. As most of our readers know, there have been assemblies about safety, but in particular there is ALiCE. ALiCE trains teachers and staff what to do in case of a shooting, or hostile situation. This training teaches to either run, fight or barricade depending on the situation your in. The teachers and staff have been in active shooter drills so they are prepared by knowing things such as what a weapon would sound like in the halls, how long it takes to run down the halls, and what variables in their rooms would be an asset in such an emergency. Mohawk has also incorporated “See Something, Say Something.” This program is intended to be used to keep Mohawk safe, happy, and run smoothly. Students can use a website called Safe 2 Say, they also have an app that is available. If there is an emergency be sure you report it, you can do so through any of the following:
Via email – [email protected]
Via phone – dial 724-667-7782 x411 1-844-saf2say (1-844-723-2729)
Via website –
All inboxes and voicemails are checked regularly