Can Money Buy Happiness?

Happiness is strived for by every human being. Many of which tend to think that happiness can be achieved by owning the most expensive items or having the most possessions. These people have the wrong idea of happiness. In psychology, it is said that happiness can be reached by spending money on experiences, rather than possessions. As life is experienced through countless struggles and adversity, it is apparent that life has no destination, such as being rich. Instead, happiness is what one makes of it. Happiness can be found in hobbies, jobs, passions, or even other people. Oftentimes, people seek to be the richest person on the planet, but it is never heard of someone wishing to be the happiest person on the planet. This is because it is a societal acceptance that money can buy happiness, when in reality, everyone already owns happiness, it just has to be found. Unlike a cell phone, car, or Rolex, happiness is a valueless virtue and should never be taken for granted.