Mohawk Homecoming 2017

The annual Homecoming dance took place on October 7th. One of the most anticipated events of the school year, Homecoming is a fun filled night full of music, dancing, and food. Student had school off the Friday before and the following Monday, as an added bonus to their excitement for the weekend. Speaking of the Friday before, the varsity football team won their Homecoming game against New Brighton, something that has not happened in years. It is easy to see the enthusiasm on the student’s faces as they enter the school (perhaps the only time this happens). The music is constant and the dancing lasts for hours as the night slowly passes by beneath the roof of the auxiliary gym. At the end of the night, friends get together and discuss their favorite moments of the dance.

It is a great honor to be elected to Homecoming court. Each year, six girls and six boys are voted on by the senior class to represent their school. The students that take part in Homecoming court have the chance to be crowned Homecoming Queen and King. This years Queen and King were Meghan Johnson and Walter Romano, respectively. The additional court members included Carlee Stelter, Caitlin Carnuche, Alex Hammers, Kilye Weston, Morgan Allwine, Devon Yarletts, Dylan Strawhecker, Cole Malone, Kasey McConahy, and Ethan Stroebel.Clark’s Studio