Resilience refers to how you bounce back from failure. Every time you throw a rubber bouncy ball at the ground, it bounces right back up immediately. Be like the rubber bouncy ball. Every time you fall to the ground, get right back up.
Having a plan for how you will get back up is important to being resilient. A response plan is a plan for how you will respond to failure. This simple plan will take you step by step on what to do after you fail.
The first step towards resilience is by staying calm and composed. If you let yourself get emotional immediately after you fail, you are more likely to shut down, give up, or become negative. That negativity will lead to more mistakes and ultimate defeat. Stay calm. Keep your composure. Do not show your emotions and it will be easier to move on from them.
Secondly, stay positive. If you let yourself become negative, those negative thoughts will lead to more negative actions and results. Staying positive will help you set yourself up for success on the next try.
Lastly, move on. If you continue dwelling on your failure, the thoughts of failure will likely lead to more failure. You need to accept it and move on. Start focusing on the next thing in your control.
Your response plan can be similar or different to the response plan above. A response plan should be whatever works for you! What works for you may not work for someone else, and what works for someone else may not work for you. Find what works for you.
Having a response plan leads to someone more likely using it and following through with responding, bouncing back, and being successful again.