Human Rights and Democracy has been a problem in the United States and other countries for 200 years and is still a major problem today. People of different races and ethnicities have always been undetermined, and less presented in America.
People suffer from physical and sometimes mental issues that impact a persons’ lives. The U.S. Department created a foundation stone to create a central goal of foreign policy. This foundation has been the promotion of respect for human rights.
“Supporting democracy not only promotes such fundamental America values as religious freedoms and work rights, but also helps create a more secure, stable, and prosperous globe.” When looking at other countries you can see the importance for America to keep in mind our democracy.
The United States uses a wide variety of tools and resources to advance freedom and religion across the world. The goal is to create a model for all people of all races and ethnicities to be seen as equal and fairly. The United States uses freedom agenda, bilateral diplomacy, multilateral engagement, foreign assistance, reporting and public outreach, and economist sanction to create a better democracy, and help other countries from poverty and difference.