Tuesday October 22nd was Mohawks annual powder puff game for the senior high kids. It was Seniors and Sophomores vs the Juniors and Freshman. This fun filled night started off with a huge bonfire, set up by the school and the game played right after. Last year’s game was won by the seniors and sophomores and this year the win was taken by the juniors and freshman.
Lets hear from some of our powder Puff players.
Senior Malayna McBride says “I thought it was very fun experience, and a great way to fund raise.” She said “The best part about it was the energy from everyone on the field and off, we all had so much fun!”
Junior Makenna Stewart said “Winning the powder Puff game was an amazing experience!” She said the highlight of the night was when Her and Mylie Pistouris scored the winning touch down in the final seconds of the game. She said “the energy from everyone was amazing!”
Seems like all the girls and fans had so much fun!