The effects of climate change

Climate change has before increasingly worse throughout time. People are influencing climate change by burning fossil fuels, cutting down trees, and increasing agriculture. In 2020 land and ocean temperatures combined has increased 0.13 degrees Fahrenheit. Over the last century the average surface temperature on earth increased by 1.0 degrees Fahrenheit. The main cause is greenhouse gasses. Its trapping the suns heat.
Climate change hurts animals and plants greatly. It alters their life cycles like blooming time or hibernation. Animals like polar bears, koalas, monarch butterfly, species of sea turtles, and many more will eventually become extinct because of climate change. Nearly 1 million plants and animals may be extinct because of human activity. Since the 16th century humans have driven almost 700 animals to extinction. The Arctic and Africa are regions that are especially effected by climate change. Animals, young children, the poor, and elderly are most effected in those areas. Wheat is the source of life in much of the world. Climate change could effect wheat, peaches, coffee, corn, etc. causing harm to lots of people and animals.
Slowing global warming is not possible unless everyone makes an effort. Making awareness to it is important. Use energy wisely, cut waste and consumption, invest your money responsibly, reduce water waste, pull the plugs. Talk to your family and friends and encourage them to take steps to stop the effects.

Jenna Kirkpatrick is a senior at Mohawk. She enjoys going to the gym, watching shows, going out with friends, and reading. She has one brother and 2 dogs....