What I Am Doing During Remote Learning

On Monday, November 9, 2020, the school went back into remote learning for at least two weeks. This shouldn’t be a hard switch for many, because of the hybrid schedule we had in place. Others, it may be complicated still, especially not being able to communicate in person with your teachers for help. Students will not be back to school until the rates have been consistent or gone down within two weeks.
For me, I have been doing remote learning since the beginning of the school year. So, this transition doesn’t affect me as it would to the other students who went to school and did the hybrid schedule. I chose do to remote learning from the start of the year because I figured we would be back online at some point of the school year. It is hard to do remote all year, especially during your senior year and not being able to see most of your friends before you go off to college. Even with any other grade, they don’t get to see their friends during the school day.
After the school day is over, I will go watch television and do my homework. I still hangout with my friends as much as possible. Normally most of my teachers allow me to get out of my classes early to go do my work so it doesn’t lag. If we finish what we had to do in class that day, they will also allow us to leave early too. In my opinion, remote learning is not as bad as many people say it is. Getting to have breaks during school still and being in the comfort of your own home is always a nice thing. It is hard not talking to your teachers face to face all the time, but we still have many other ways to communicate with them. For example, we have their emails and we have google meets almost everyday unless they have a meeting or cannot make it that day.
I will most likely go back to in person school during the second semester, if students are back by then. Hopefully they are, that way we seniors can have a somewhat normal year towards the end again. Many school events have been cancelled, but parents had hosted events and helped us out to all be together. Sporting events haven’t been the same this year either, no rowdy warrior section, no crowds, just relatives and friends who received tickets. The last football game, the whole senior class received tickets, which was a nice thing to do.
Don’t forget to watch the video about tips for remote learning!

Mackenzie is currently in her senior year at Mohawk High School. Along with the Arrow, Mackenzie is also a member of the cheer squad, NHS and Student Council....