How Corona virus is affecting schools
The corona virus has changed schools drastically. Students now are going to school every other day. Students with the last names starting with A through L go to school one day and students M through Z go the next. While students A through L are in school, students M through Z are at home learning virtually. All teachers host a google meet with the students and have to explain the lesson to both students in and out of school. Some students also have the option to go full virtual learning. For the students who come to school every other day, you are now required to wear your mask at all times while in school, and there are signs throughout the school that say keep 6 feet apart, also signs telling you how to properly wash your hands. When entering the classrooms, there are disinfecting wipes that you have to grab to wipe your desk down. Lunch is now completely different from last year, you no longer get to sit at a table with all of your friends. There are now desks everywhere spaced out 6 feet apart, and no one is facing each other. the desk that you pick is the desk that you have to sit in for the year. Between lunches, janitors sanitize every desk by spraying them down. Classrooms are also much different then last year, you now have to sit 6 feet away from everyone, and classes have less kids because of the split days. Testing has even changed, When the teachers give a test or quiz, some students are taking it from home while the other kids are taking it in class.

Cory is currently a 17-year old student attending his senior year at Mohawk High School. Cory is a Captain of the football team, and enjoys Hunting, Fishing,...