Veterans Program
On November 9 Mohawk FBLA hosted approximately 200 Veterans and guests (in addition to the 7-12th grade student body) at its 19th annual Veterans Day program at the Scottish Rite Cathedral.
The New Castle Honor Guard members presented the colors. This group of veterans has participated in all 19 of our programs!
The guest speaker was Dr.Robert Snyder, author and professor at Slippery Rock University. Dr. Snyder gave a wonderful presentation that included material from his book, What Is a Veteran Anyway? He shared his goal of educating kids about who veterans are and what they do. He included FBLA members in his presentation as they helped Anton Donghia dress in a battle dress uniform, Kevlar vest and helmet, MOPP (Mission Oriented Protective Posture) suit–also known as a chemical suit, mask, boots, and gloves.
Music was provided by Mohawk Sr. High Band members led by Mr. Jason Zeh, Mohawk Sr. High Concert Choir and Treble Choir led by Mr. Eyster, Mr. Gary Hasson on bagpipes, and FBLA members: Meghan Johnson, Morgan Allwine, and Jordan Jaworowski.
Refreshments were made by Mrs. Kwolek and the Family Consumer Science students.
The FBLA members and advisers would like to thank the administration, faculty and students who helped to honor our veterans.