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Hola, amigos! Mohawk’s Spanish Club is getting personally involved with the relief effort following the horrific hurricane in Puerto Rico. But you may ask, just what can a school club in rural Pennsylvania do for a far Spanish country? Spanish Club officers were inspired by the devastation to aid in Puerto Rico’s recovery by conducting a school fundraiser. Pittsburgh’s personal connection to Puerto Rico didn’t hurt the drive to aid in the relief effort, either: Puerto Rican native Roberto Clemente, a baseball player for the Pittsburgh Pirates, was killed in a plane crash while personally delivering relief supplies to earthquake victims in Managua, Nicaragua. With this motivation, the Spanish Club set about selling bracelets made in Peru in an effort to accumulate funds to send to Puerto Rico through Pirate Charities. The bracelets are only one dollar each, and can be bought at lunches where Spanish Club volunteers are selling them or directly from Senora LeClaire in her classroom. The fundraiser has been very successful: about 270 bracelets have been sold and $320 dollars made. The bracelets are almost gone, so students had better hurry if they would like to buy one! The fundraiser will continue until all the bracelets have been sold, but donations will still be accepted. The Spanish Club has worked hard during this fundraiser, and Puerto Rico dearly needs all the help we can provide. Vamonos, amigos!

Hi there! I'm Callista. Currently 17, confused, and trying my best. I'm the eldest of four and also the shortest, but still perfectly passionate. I enjoy...